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Guide 2


NameScheduleDrop Rewards

Happy Hour

03:00, 09:00, 15:00, 21:00Increased Exp & Master Exp

Moss Gambler

01:00, 04:00, 07:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00Info HERE

Blood Castle

00:30, 02:30, 04:30, 06:30, 08:30, 10:30, 12:30, 14:30, 16:30, 18:30, 20:30, 22:30

New upgraded unique Blood Castle map.

BC 1 (level 50 ~ 399): Ancient Item + Jewels 5x + Miracle Coin (10%) + RUUD 400

BC 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Ancient Item + Jewels 7x + Miracle Coin (12%) + RUUD 800

BC 3 (level 600 ~ 699): Ancient Item + Jewels 8x + Miracle Coin (14%) + RUUD 1200

BC 4 (level 700 ~ 799): Ancient Item + Jewels 9x + Miracle Coin (16%)  + RUUD 1600

BC 5 (level 800 ~ 899): Ancient Item + Jewels 11x + Miracle Coin (19%) + RUUD 2000 + Garuda's Flame (10%) + Garuda's Feather (5%)

BC 6 (level 900 ~ 1000): Ancient Item + Jewels 13x + Miracle Coin (22%) + RUUD 2400 + Garuda's Flame (15%) + Garuda's Feather (7,5%)

BC 7 (level 1000+): Ancient Item + Jewels 15x + Miracle Coin (25%) + RUUD 2800 + Garuda's Flame (20%) + Garuda's Feather (10%)

Devil Square

01:50, 03:50, 05:50, 07:50, 09:50, 11:50, 13:50, 15:50, 17:50, 19:50, 21:50, 23:50

TOP 3 Players of each DS level are rewarded

DS 1 (level 50 ~ 399): Jewels 3x + Miracle Coin (5%) + RUUD 1000

DS 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Jewels 4x + Miracle Coin (7%) + RUUD 1500

DS 3 (level 600 ~ 699): Jewels 5x + Miracle Coin (8%) + RUUD 2000

DS 4 (level 700 ~ 799): Jewels 6x + Miracle Coin (9%) + RUUD 2500

DS 5 (level 800 ~ 899): Jewels 7x + Miracle Coin (11%) + RUUD 3000

DS 6 (level 900 ~ 1000): Jewels 8x + Miracle Coin (13%) + RUUD 3500

DS 7 (level 1000+): Jewels 9x + Miracle Coin (15%) + RUUD 4000

Chaos Castle

01:35, 03:35, 05:35, 07:35, 09:35, 11:35, 13:35, 15:35, 17:35, 19:35, 21:35, 23:35

CC 1 (level 50 ~ 399): Ancient Items 2x + Bless of Light + Miracle Coin (7%) + RUUD 300

CC 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Ancient Items 2x + Bless of Light + Miracle Coin (8%) + RUUD 600

CC 3 (level 600 ~ 699): Ancient Items 2x + Bless of Light + Miracle Coin (9%) + RUUD 900

CC 4 (level 700 ~ 799): Ancient Items 2x + Bless of Light + Miracle Coin (10%) + RUUD 1200

CC 5 (level 800 ~ 899): Ancient Items 2x + Bless of Light + Miracle Coin (11%) + RUUD 1500

CC 6 (level 900 ~ 1000): Ancient Items 2x + Bless of Light + Miracle Coin (12%) + RUUD 1800

CC 7 (level 1000+): Ancient Items 2x + Bless of Light + Miracle Coin (13%) + RUUD 2100


00:15, 02:15, 04:15, 06:15, 08:15, 10:15, 12:15, 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, 20:15, 22:15

Silver Chest:

DG 1 (level 50 ~ 399): Jewels 2x + RUUD 250

DG 2 (level 400 ~ 599): Jewels 2x + RUUD 500

DG 3 (level 600 ~ 699): Jewels 3x + RUUD 750

DG 4 (level 700 ~ 799): Jewels 3x + RUUD 1000

DG 5 (level 800 ~ 899): Jewels 5x + RUUD 1250

DG 6 (level 900 ~ 999): Jewels 5x + RUUD 1500

DG 7 (level 1000+): Jewels 7x + RUUD 1750


Golden Chest (Final Reward):

Excellent Weapon 1x + Condor Flame (30%) + Condor Feather (15%) + Sculpture 1x (35%) + Seed Capsule (40%)

Illusion Temple

04:10, 12:10, 20:10

Seal of Ghost Horse / Errtel of Radiance / Talisman of Ascension II (24 hours) / Horn of Fenrir Golden (24 hours) / Wings of Power (24 hours) / Wings of Conqueror (24 hours) / Mastery Box [Minor] / Mastery Box [Standard] / Mastery Box [Greater] / Seed Sphere (Level 1 ~ Level 5)

Lorencia Drop

00:00, 12:00

Jewel of Bless + Jewel of Soul + Jewel of Life + Jewel of Chaos + Box of Kundun (+4 ~ +5) + Mastery Box [Minor]

Castle Deep

00:30, 12:30

Erohim Boss appears


Appears in Castle Deep Event

Mastery Box [Standard] + Ancient Items 3x

Imperial Guardian


Stone Statues:

Jewels / Bless of Light


Monday to Saturday Boss:

Level 1 ~ 400: Jewels (x1 ~ x4) + (100 ~ 1000) RUUD

Level 400+: Jewels x7 + (1500 ~ 3000) RUUD


Sunday Boss:

Level 1 ~ 400: Jewels x10 + Ancient Item + (5000 ~ 8000)  RUUD

Level 400+: Jewels x15 + Ancient Items 3x + (10000 ~ 15000) RUUD + Condor Flame + Condor Feather

Acheron Guardian


Mastery Box [Greater] / Talisman of Ascension I (24 hours) / Jewel of Harmony 10x + Pentagram Level 300 (1~4 socket)


Thursday 21:30

Dark Elf:

Ancient Item 1x + Greater Spirit Stone / Mastery Box [Standard]


Excellent Jewels 20x + Ancient Items 2x + Excellent Level 380 Items 2x +
Golden Sentence 15x + Miracle Coin + Mastery Box [Greater]

Arca War

Wednesday 22:00

Rewards depend on Trophies amount.

Elemental Rune (3x ~ 30x) / Guardian Upgrade Stone (2x ~ 20x) / Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone (1x ~ 10x) / Golden Sentence (3x ~ 30x) / Bless of Light (2x ~ 20x) / Steel of Heaven (1x ~ 10x) / Pandora Pick Axe (10 min ~ 24 hours) / Jewel of Excellent (1x ~ 10x) / Ruud Box [10000] + Sealed Bloodangel Item (10%)

Castle Siege

Sunday 15:00

Castle Winners Guild get access to Land of Trials Map.

Map monsters drop: Ancient Items + Jewel of Guardian


Senior Mix (1 mix per day)

Necklace of Agony / Solid Symbol / Ring of Ultimatum / Ring of Block / Protection Ring 1 / Protection Ring 2 / Jasper Necklace / Lapis Lazuli Necklace / Battle / Jasper Necklace / Battle Lagoon Necklace / Blessed Divine Archangel Weapon ( all class) / Fenrir BLUE / Fenrir BLACK / Fenrir GOLDEN / Wings of Conqueror / Wings of Angel and Devil



NameAmount & LocationScheduleDrop Rewards

Death King

[10x] Lorencia, Noria (random 1)

00:00, 06:00, 14:00Mastery Box [Minor] + Jewels 2x + Bless of Light (50%)

Red Dragon

[3x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)00:30, 06:30, 14:30Mastery Box [Standard] + Jewels 8x + Bless of Light 2x


[67x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Dungeon,

Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan, Icarus,

Aida, Kanturu, KanturuRelics, Elbeland,


01:00, 07:00, 15:00 Box of Kundun +1 ~ +5

White Wizard

[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)01:30, 07:30, 15:30Mastery Box [Minor] (50%) + Jewels 1x + Bless of Light (50%) + Skeleton Pet / Ring (6 hours) (20%)

New Year (GP)

[Pouch of Blessing]

[10x] Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan,

Aida, Kanturu, Raklion (random 1)

02:00, 08:00, 16:00Goblin Points + Excellent Item

Easter Rabbit (GP)

[10x] Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan,

Aida, Kanturu, Raklion (random 1)

02:30, 08:30, 16:30

Goblin Points + Jewels 1x

Summer (WCoin)

[10x] Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan,

Aida, Kanturu, Raklion (random 1)

03:00, 09:00, 17:00



[Cursed Santa]

[3x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)

03:30, 09:30, 17:30


Invoking Demon

[Golden Goblin]

[15x] Tarkan, Aida, Kanturu,

Karutan 1,2, Acheron (random 1)

04:30, 10:30, 18:30


Muun Egg

[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias, Elbeland,

Losttower, Icarus, Aida, Kalima 5,

Kanturu, PeaceSwamp  (random 1)

05:00, 11:00, 19:00


Sheep (Ruud)

[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)

05:30, 11:30, 19:30


Monkey (Ruud)

[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)

06:50, 12:00, 20:00


Mini Bosses

[4x] Gorgon Dungeon
[4x] Ice Queen Devias
[4x] Balrog Losttower
[4x] Hydra Atlans
[4x] Zaikan Tarkan
[4x] Metal Balrog Aida

07:50, 12:30, 20:30


Horse (Ruud)[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)

08:50, 13:00, 21:00


Rooster (Ruud)

[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)09:50, 13:30, 21:30 
Snake (Ruud)[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)

10:50, 14:00, 22:00


Puppy (Ruud)[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)

11:50, 14:30, 22:30


Rat (Ruud)[10x] Lorencia, Noria, Devias (random 1)

12:50, 15:00, 23:00


Cow (WCoin)

[10x] Losttower, Atlans, Tarkan, Aida, 

Kanturu, Raklion (random 1)

13:50, 15:30, 23:30


Elite Abyss[3x] Scorched Canyon

12:40, 18:40, 22:40


Elite Canyon[2x] Abyss of Atlans 3

13:40, 19:40, 22:40




NameLocationScheduleDrop Rewards
Illusion of KundunKalima 1

1 hours after killed


Illusion of KundunKalima 2

2 hours after killed


Illusion of KundunKalima 3

3 hours after killed


Illusion of KundunKalima 4

4 hours after killed


Illusion of KundunKalima 5

5 hours after killed


Illusion of KundunKalima 6

6 hours after killed


KundunKalima 7

4 hours after killed


NightmareKanturu EventRespawn Time: 12 hours 

Peace Swamp

04:00, 10:00, 18:00



Land of Trials

12 hours after killed

The same as Erohim Castle Deep



Raklion Event

Respawn time: 4 hours


Lord Silvester

Uruk Mountain

5 hours after killed


Core Magriffy


5 hours after killed


Lord of Ferea


Respawn time: 7 ~ 24 hours



Nixies Lake

Respawn time: 10 ~ 24 hours


God of DarknessSwamp of Darkness

Respawn time: 24 hours


Deep GorgonDeep Dungeon

Monday 19:00


Red PhoenixCrimson Icarus

Tuesday 19:00


GremlinArenil Temple

Wednesday 19:00


Bloody QueenGray Aida

Thursday 19:00


MinosBurning Kethotum

Friday 19:00



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